The Life Science Women’s Network currently offers two membership levels: a Founding Membership and a Student Membership.
Both memberships have annual and monthly subscription options. To learn more about them, please scroll down.

Become a member and WEAR THE PIN!
LSWN Annual Members ($150.00 annual members) receive $100.00 discount off of the V.I.P. attendee rate.

Become a founding member and receive…
- A “dancing DNA” LSWN pin. (Annual Members)
- Free listing in the membership directory.
- Access to Members-Only LSWN ROUND TABLE TALKs.
- Free admission to periodic LSWN virtual meetings, seminars, educational content, and networking online events.
- Discounted rates to regional LSWN events
- Discounted rates to the annual Life Science Women’s Conference.
- Opportunities to speak at, moderate, or facilitate LSWN events and the annual Life Science Women’s Conference.
- Opportunity to influence the programs and projects of the LSWN and the annual Life Science Women’s Conference.
- Opportunities to meet other members online and during networking opportunities.
- Opportunities to find a mentor or be a mentor.
- Announcements about companies, LSWN events, seminars, virtual conferences, industry trends, job opportunities, and professional development.
- Free Job Opportunity Postings (When Available)

Join as a student and receive…
- The opportunity to enhance your resumé.
- A “dancing DNA” LSWN pin. (Annual Members)
- Access to hiring managers in life science companies.
- Invaluable industry contacts, like top-level executives who manage or run major Life Science Companies.
- Opportunities to meet other members online and during networking opportunities.
- Discounted rates to regional LSWN events.
- Free admission to periodic LSWN virtual meetings, seminars, educational content, and networking online events.
- The potential opportunity to develop your own campus LSWN student group.
- Announcements about companies, LSWN events, seminars, virtual conferences, industry trends, job opportunities, “real life” industry news, trends, and professional development.
If you need additional assistance or have further questions regarding our memberships, please reach out to [email protected]. The subscriptions will renew automatically unless manually cancelled.
If you’re a company with an interest in our sponsorship levels, please visit our sponsorship page.